Past events
Chemical Imaging and Tomography - Training Course
Jumpstart your understanding of advanced chemical imaging & tomography with this three-day course by...
Challenges and Innovation Opportunities for Electrifying the Transportation Sector
Welcome to this EEE open seminar Olivier Trescases received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer...
Training Course on Advanced Scripting and Batching of Tomographic Datasets
Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it gener...
The CreaTech Network | Fashion
The Creative Tech Network | Fashion Thursday 28 March 2024, 14:30-18:00, Hallé St Peter's, Ancoats...
Grant-development Sandpit -- "Environmental determinants of lung health: new opportunities for biophysical modelling"
This is an event hosted by the EPSRC Network+ BIOREME ("Integrating data-driven BIOphysical models i...
The CreaTech Network | Sound
The Creative Tech Network | Sound Thursday 21 March 2024, 14:30-18:00 , Arbeta In collaboration wi...
Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Kieron O’Hara
Join Digital Futures for a free event on 20th March to uncover Kieron O'Hara's groundbreaking book "...
Neurodiversity Celebration Week - Gaming Social
To celebrate [ Neurodiversity Celebration Week] (18 to 24 March) t...
Unleashing the Potential of Metamaterial-Driven Light to Matter Interaction
Welcome to this EEE Wide seminar research events Background: This seminar will talk about two topic...
The CreaTech Network | Vision
The Creative Tech Network | Vision Monday 4 March 2024, 2:30-6:00pm, No. 1 Circle Square In collab...