Past research seminars
Power System ‘Protection and Control - What Happens if it goes WRONG
Welcome to this EEE Power and Energy System seminar Drawing on his vast international experience in...
Digitalisation/Digital Twins of Electrical Energy System infrastructure – how traditional high voltage engineering looks like in a net-zero world.
Welcome to this EEE Wide Seminar The existing electrical energy system infrastructure, due to its lo...
The 695th Lord Mayor's Lectures: Computational Medicine and Digital Twins Improving Medical Care, with Prof Alex Frangi
Prof Alex Frangi, Director of the Christabel Pankhurst Institute, and the Bicentennial Turing Chair...
Levitated quantum systems for sensing and fundamental science
Join in this EEE open seminar from the department's new academics. Bringing massive objects into th...
Control and learning for networked systems
Join in this EEE open seminar from the department's new academics. Network-connected systems have r...
Ecology and Evolution Seminar “Single Molecule Fluorescence and its Applications to Biology and Biomedicine”
We are delighted to welcome Professor Sir David Klenerman as in-person speaker at the Ecology and Ev...
Navigating Safety in Autonomous Systems: The Power of Control Barrier Functions
Welcome to this EEE Control & Robotics seminar With the rise of automation, ensuring security withou...
Nexperia automotive power MOSFETs
Joint this EEE Seminar - Power Conversion Speaker: Nandor Bodo from Nexperia UK Ltd. Talk of "Nexper...
Prospects for B containing alloys for deep ultraviolet LEDs
Join this EEE research seminar - Photonic, Quantum Materials and Devices series seminar event. III-...
Unleashing the potential of metamaterial-driven light to matter interaction
Join this EEE research seminar - Photonic, Quantum Materials and Devices series seminar event. Meta...